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Preferred Communication
Please select an option...
Tell Us A Bit About Yourself:
Tell Us About You
Volunteer Format:
Topical Interests (select as many as you wish)
Please check... African-American History
Please check... Blacksmithing/Metalworking
Please check... Brickmaking/Masonry
Please check... Cabin Building/Woodworking/Tools
Please check... Education & Religion
Please check... Historic Clothing/Tailor Shop/Seamstress
Please check... Historic Foodways/Cooking/Baking
Please check... Hunting/Trapping
Please check... Land Office/Surveying
Please check... Meat/Butchering
Please check... Militia/Cannon
Please check... Native Americans
Please check... Politics/Law/Courthouse
Please check... Printing
Please check... Period Store/Merchandise
Please check... Tavern Drinks/Brewing
Please check... Tejano Residents of San Felipe
Please check... Textiles/Spinning/Dyeing
Please check... Other (please describe below)
Topical Interests (select your primary one only)
Volunteer Availability:
Describe your interest in San Felipe de Austin and why you would wish to volunteer:
Volunteer activities may involve certain risks and hazards, including harsh weather,
uneven surfaces, open fires, strenuous activities, blackpowder firearms, sharp tools,
and other risks. I affirm that I am healthy enough to participate in these activities
and willingly take responsibility for my actions at the historic site.
Please check... I acknowledge the risk of volunteer participation.